Guided Surgical Technology - Kissimmee, FL

Your Perfect Smile Awaits

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dental implants patient smiling

Guided Implant Surgery Is Making Dentistry an Exact Science

Dental implants are an investment not just in new teeth, they’re an investment in a new life. This new life is one where you no longer feel too embarrassed to smile because of missing or decayed teeth. One where you can eat your favorite foods and hold conversations without pain or discomfort. Imagining a life with a complete smile that allows you to enjoy the little things in life such as smiling in photos doesn’t have to seem so far away. Here at Magic Smiles, Dr. Raphael Ason achieves the highest level of precision when performing dental implant surgery through the use of surgical guides that remove any guesswork from the dental implants procedure. Our guided implant surgery not only streamlines our dental implant procedures, but creates desired results with precision and optimal accuracy for a smile that is full, healthy and beautiful.

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Precision, Predictability and a Little Bit of Magic

Guided implant surgery involves the utilization of advanced machinery and image technology to guide Dr. Ason to manufacture and place full mouth dental implants more efficiently, precisely and accurately. While our guided surgeries pose many advantages, the most beneficial include the precision and predictability of dental implant surgery. This guided implant surgery involves a highly detailed planning process prior to surgery and requires the use of a Cone Beam Scanner (CBCT Scanner) to capture 3D images of your teeth, jawbone and any other oral structures. Once the surgical guide is complete, it’s used during surgery. This guide ensures that Dr. Ason is placing your dental implants in the correct location, depth and angle, making for a predictable and precise surgery that’s virtually error-free! Our guided surgeries allow for shorter healing time, minimally invasive procedures and an extremely low risk of complications for dental implants. Since most of the surgical planning is completed the day before your surgery, you can expect less time in the chair and enjoy a relaxed state-of-mind knowing that your full mouth dental implants surgery guide was fully customized to your smile needs and is predictable.

Advantages of Guided Implant Surgery

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Avoid Making Costly Mistakes!

Dental implants are a lifetime investment in your health, function, and quality of life. Avoid the common mistakes people make when considering implants by following our recommendations.

Results You Can be Excited About

Guided implant surgery has revolutionized implant dentistry with the precision, speed and minimally invasive nature that creates the hand crafted smiles our patients are yearning for. Dr. Ason is proud to offer this advanced technology for single, multiple and full mouth dental implant placement. If dental implants seem like the solution to your dental woes, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Ason to determine your candidacy. We want to see you smile with confidence once again!

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